Sunday, March 14, 2010

What now brown 3-14-10

I have a feeling! That tonight's going be a good night! Because we have a condo in Moab that is condolicious. Just like your face, which I didn't get to see yesterday. Or the day before... Now I must imagine it and your not going to like it. I really think I'm going to put big black zits on the tip of your nose. And your going to have a buzz cut. Don't forget you have 3 arms. Holy cow! I can't believe you look so bizar! You must change. If you don't we wont be able to meet face to face till I menatlly prepare myself. And this could take a few monts. Maybe years.

Hmm... Mentally prepairing, mentally prepairing, mentally prepai.....ment..p....................

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Marching in the 9th of 2010

Dear Adelllllllllia,
I can see my feet, as they are attached to me. It is highly convenient to have them thus as I can use them any time I feel the need to. I can also protect them from unwanted touchings, and give them a regular cleaning. If I was to give any advice to you today, I would recomend you keep your feet attached to you. You'll agree, if only you try for a short while, that the benefits far outweigh the negatives. I do hope you'll try.

Jamonely Danish-princess Hearless