Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dear one who didn't answer,

... I think I lost the magic beans that make my life work. I cant find them or any of that magical magically ness. I guess I left them all on the train to never world (It is so much cooler than never land!), and the train won't come back. How do you catch a train anyway? Do you put honey on it's tracks, or maybe you throw sticky hands at it and catch it off guard. I think I'd tempt it with balogna. But if it's a vegatble like me it might run the other way. Oh how hard it is to catch a train. That's it. You have to get it for me. I chose Adell! And since I'm America you have to do it! Good luck!

P.S. (though that's a lie because I didn't sign anything) Try using a frying pan.