Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Post title, like poast holder. It holds the poast!

If you were a shade (or a tint as those are commonly misused or forgotten) of orange you would be chocolate package orange! Yum, that means you are a sweetie. Or a cutie, which is also orange. And now that there are two more of you running around the globe striking orange into the hearts of men, I guess you could even be a third shade, like flyswatter orange, or Joy's iron man cup orange. Don't mix those. I don't want flies in my cup. Which totally reminds me, if you put a white glove on your hand and stick it into a bucket of mud the mud wont get glovey! Have you ever tried to have a conversation with Mozart? He doesn't listen all the time, but I like listening to him. It all pays off in the end. Unlike my pizza. It never pays for itself. Good for nothing... Not you, the pizza and the glove! Ok, have a pot holder day!

Minions of Disease

Butterflies. Yes, you heard me. Butterflies!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh, so that's what that button does...

Today is the 2nd of March in the year of 2011.
I had to tell you I found myself in Wonderland, but all the Narnians said that Wonderlands contract had expired, so Middle Earth was returning. I decided that a war between the three would be just too painful, like eating a watermelon before you cut it up. I wonder what would happen if you cut up the moon? Would you have a never ending supply of cheese? But I bet it would be nasty cheese. The holy stuff smells like my feet, and that's not very nice precious.
Oh, I actually came to say I heard a song that reminded me of you, and now I want to write you a song just like it. I don't think they'll mind if I borrow the lyrics... or the music. And maybe the actors singing it too. So there you have it. I just made you a song!
Love you like I love the loaves of my feet!
From your souless sister! (It's me, Joy)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Deara Adella,
Is the world like Alfalfa? Maybe more like wheat. Definitely. Shinning and shimmering golden stalks blowing in the wind of autumn. Beautiful. But useless unless used. It's like a two edged sword. It's like friendship.
No one but you do I wait for, yet you refuse to see.
I know this is unfit for this strain. No witt, no rules, no home. No laughs..., but dear Adell, where were you today?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Honeymooner,

Why is it called that? Are you really stuck on a moon eating honey? Is it flavorful? Yumm, orange honey is the best. Orange is the best. I don't eat oranges much though. They look like human flesh sometimes, just like when you bend your arm your elbow can look like your butt. I was wondering if you fell off any cliffs yet, then I remembered you are going to get abducted by mad cow disease and it really doesn't matter anyway if you have a red hat on. I must admitence, I'm jealuos of your orange knickers. Please share. Gota chaow.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Drats those Fishtics!

Dear person of extreme personage,
I saw today I had a follower. It made me feel proud, like I'm a leader of sorts and I mean something, then I realized it wasn't you Adell.... I don't know what to think. I can't lead that other guy! He's scary like the mokana stuffed animal that I sometimes wake up to in the middle of the night. But mokana is so loving and soft that I could never stay scared of him. After all, who else would befudle Kurgi if he wasn't around. Someday I'm gonna dress you up like a big soccer ball. Then I could kick you all over the street and no one would think twice on it. But if you got bruises your face would look less like you and more like a bag of Dole blueberries. Then maybe you'd taste swell. And your face would swell. I like that idea. But I don't want you to be in any pain so I'll have to do it to my follower instead. Now I'm all sad....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My feet are like penguins 5 and 26 and 2010

I seem to remember you telling me you would smell nasty. But you didn't. You smellet like one of victorias secrets. They are very secretive, no? If you sang me a love song I'd marry you. Yup I would.